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a skein of Akari Solo
Akari Solo
26% Silk, 21% Cotton, 15% Viscose, 14% Mohair, 12% Wool, 12% Polyamide
  • symbol for dry clean petroleum solvent only
  • symbol for iron low
  • symbol for do not tumble dry
  • symbol for dry in shade
  • symbol for dry flat
  • symbol for do not bleach
  • symbol for do not machine wash
  • 200g per 528 yds
  • 16-20 sts per 4" knit
  • 11 sts per 4" single crochet
Noro's Medium Weight Akari Solo yarn is a luxurious symphony of fibers that embodies elegance and warmth. Named after the Japanese word for "light," Akari Solo yarn illuminates your crafting journey with its exquisite blend of 26% silk, 21% cotton, 15% viscose, 14% mohair, 12% wool, and 12% polyamide. Each generous 200-gram skein of Akari Solo yarn contains 528 yards of creative potential, ready to be transformed into cozy sweaters, stylish shawls, and sophisticated accessories. Whether you're knitting cables or colorwork, Akari Solo yarn's vibrant hues and rich texture ensure each project is a masterpiece. Indulge in the beauty of Noro's Akari Solo yarn and let your creativity shine. Embrace the warmth and light of this exquisite blend as you create pieces that are as radiant and captivating as the Japanese concept of akari itself.


  • #01
  • #06
  • #13
  • #15
  • #17
  • #18
  • #19
  • #21



indicates more recent stock.
Find "Akari Solo" in Australia
New South Wales
Finzah Yarn Studio
5/15 Lake Ave
Cringila, NSW 2502
Polka Dot Tea
1651 Koorong Delegate Road
Bombala, NSW 2632
The Wool Inn
Shop 14, 450 High Street
Penrith, NSW 2750
South Australia
Yarn Trader
265 St Vincent Street
Port Adelaide, SA 5015
Cotton Wool Craft
38B Prince Street
Rosedale, VIC 3847
Craftee Cottage
29A Stafford St
Huntingdale, Victoria 3166
Miss Harry
1/1 James Street
Bayswater, Vic 3153
Western Australia
Little Yarn Co
153 Grand Ocean Blvd
Port Kennedy, WA 6172
Find "Akari Solo" in Austria
Der kleine Rebus
Ursula Schinko
Radetzkystr. 7
Graz, 8010
Elisabeth Muenzer-Kuess
Muenzgasse 9
Voelkermarkt, 9100
Pinguin Wolle
Marion Kauschitz
Alser Str 21
Wien, 1080
Sabines Wollboutique
Sabine Gromes
Maxingstrasse 4 A Top 2
Wien, 1130
Stick Strick
Susanne Hasieber
Simmeringer Hauptstrasse 86
Wien, 1110
Wollkistel - Salzburg
Andrea Steinbacher
Fuerbergstrasse 6
Salzburg, 5020
Wollwerk - Krems
Binder - Reinberg
Herzogstrasse 1
Krems a.d. Donau, 3500
Find "Akari Solo" in Canada
Jo's Yarn Garden
4812 50th Ave.
Stony Plain, Alberta T7Z1Y4
Stash Lounge
1237 9th Ave SE
Calgary, AB T2G 0T9
British Columbia
Art of Yarn
Kelowna, BC V1Y 1W3
The Twisted Purl Yarn Studio
2541 Pleasant Valley Blvd
Box 269
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0
Makers Lodge
Carleton Place, ON K7C 3P1
Pink Flower Lady Yarns
Fonthill, ON L0S 1E7
Romni Wools
658 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario M6J 1E5
Sue2Knits and Yarn
12045 Ducharme Lane
McGregor, Ontario N0R 1J0
The Wool Mill
2170 Danforth ave
Toronto, Ontario M4C 1k3
La Vie laine de Rimouski 9400-7648 Quebec inc
Rimouski, QC G5L 1T3
Granby, QC J2G 3V8
Find "Akari Solo" in Czech Republic
Jana Linerova
Krajinská 244/17
Ceske Budejovice, 37001
severske vlneni
Hana Malíková
Růžová 282
Růžová, 40502
Find "Akari Solo" in Denmark
KnitByHeart ApS
Greve, 2670
Bustik Danmarksgade 25A baghuset th
Kontakt Jyllandsgade 58
Esbjerg, 6700
Lyngby, 2800
Find "Akari Solo" in France
Les Ciseaux Magiques
Paris, 75000
Find "Akari Solo" in Germany
Alice im Wunderladen
Solveig Busler
Redwitzstr 12
Koeln, 50937
Amore Lana - Die Mode am Wilhelmsplatz
Friedrichstr 5
Göttingen, 37073
Andrea's Glücksmasche
Allee 4
Horn Bad Meinberg, 32805
Bachmann - Darmstadt
Gute Gartenstrasse 36
Darmstadt -Arheiligen, 64291
Bettinas - Wollstube - Gedern
Bettina Mueller
Herrnweg 6
Gedern, 63688
Claudia D. Mode & Wolle
Westrland / Sylt, 25980
Claudia Wersing
Muehlenberg 1
Blender, Niedersachsen 27337
Clothilds - Wollwerk
Clothild Wolf
Hauptstrasse 29
Hofheim im Taunus, 65719
Das tapfere Schneiderlein
Mira Fabrizio
Speyerer Str. 111
Limburgerhof, 67117
Die Wollnerin
Gleditschstr 45
Berlin, 10781
Die Zauberscheren
Munich, 80331
Dies&Das Bastelstube
Petra Holzer
Eifelstrasse 24 a
Waghaeusel, 68753
Elflein - Woll - Boutique
Karin Elflein
Eckenheimer Landstr. 34
Frankfurt, 60318
Faden-Zauber die Wollwerkstatt®
Heike Huetteroth
Siedlung 4
Schoenstedt, 99947
Fadenwohl - Jena
Andrea Truhm
Neugasse 35
Jena, 07743
GarnStore Inh. Konrad Machill
Jaime Vande - Konrad Machill
Gertrudenstrasse 21
Koeln, 50667
H Schweinsberger - Sales Rep Distribution
DE PLZ 0-4-5-6 und BE-CH-NL-Lux
Hansestrasse 81
Koeln - Gremberghoven, 51149
Mering, 86415
Hamel Nähmaschinen - Erfurt
Silke Hamel-Kupfrian
Lange Brücke 17
Erfurt, 99084
Astrid Ackermann
City Caree - Bahnhofstr 10-14
St Wendel, 66606
Huegel - Wollkoerbchen
Annette Huegel
Tiroler Strasse 51
Pirmasens, 66954
Berlin, 10115
Kohls - Wollstudio
Markus Kohl
Koelner Str. 1
Netphen - Deuz, 57250
Krieger - Wolle Laedchen
Saskia Krieger
Frauenbergstr. 13
Marburg, 35039
Maren Sgries Modehandel Design - D PLZ 1 2 3 und Dänemark
Lange Str 17
Hessisch Oldendorf, Niedersachsen 31840
Ulrike Janssen
Taunusstrasse 1
Offenbach, 63067
Nach Strick und Faden-Dresden
Kristina Hoeppner
Rothenburger Str. 14
Dresden, 01099
Nadel & Faden - Limbach-Oberfrohna
Heike Sonntag
Hechninger Str. 5
Limbach-Oberfrohna, 09212
Nina Wolle
Bettina Fischer
Wiesenstrasse 25
Frankfurt, 60385
Schafgabe - Regina Heinen
Gottfried-Claren-Str 7
Bonn-Beuel, 53225
Schmuck & Strick
Martina Enders
Miessenheimer Str. 20b
Kettig, 56220
Simply Stitch
Dietzgenstr 88
Berlin, 13156
Stoff und Wolle
Käthe-Kollwitz-Str 1
Kleinmachnow, 14532
Stoffburg - Fulda
Sabine Wehner
Kanalstr. 35
Fulda, Hessen 36037
Suedstadtwolle - Beith
Verena Beith
Höningewr Weg 166
Koeln, 50969
Mainzer Str. 24
Claudia Weyrich
Saarbruecken, Saarland 66111
Tolle Wolle
Nürnberg, Bayern 90403
Weilemanns Wollladen
Stefanie Weilemann
Illinger Str 34
Illingen, 66557
Weilemanns Wollladen
Stefanie Weilemann
Illinger Strasse 34
Illingen, 66557 Illingen
Wilde Engel stricken
Schmuggelstieg 37
Hamburg, 22419
Woll - Kultur
Dagmar Bräker
Bahnhofstrasse 23
Warstein, 59581
Hauptstrasse 8
Salzhausen, 21376
Wolle - Kurzwaren Jung
Lolida Jung
Am Friedhof 10
Barchfeld, 36456
Wolle und Seide - Borken
Sabine Mannheims
Borken, 46325
Wollfuehl - Recklinghausen
Yvonne Stajer
Steinstrasse 1
Recklinghausen, 45657
Petra Behles
Trierer Str 29
Losheim am See, 66679
Backnang, Baden-Württemberg 71522
Wollke 7 - Frankenthal
Sabine Koebel
Bahnhofstrasse 11 - 15
Frankenthal, 67227
Wolllaus - Oberursel
Daniela Queisser
Rathhausplatz 6
Oberursel, 61440
Wollparadies - Hanau
Annette Schnabl
Bangertstr. 7
Hanau, 63450
Anke Heyn
Brüggeweg 40
Bremen, 28309
Wollstube - Haase
Edith Haase
Hauptstraße 26
Nettetal, 41334
Wollstuebchen Humpert
Heuwaagstr. 18
Erlangen, Bayern 91054
dibadu - alles in Wolle
Horn - Bad Meinberg, NRW 32805
Maria Turowski
Brueckenstr 45
Dueren, 52351
loops Berlin
Wörtherstr 19
Berlin, 10405
verstrickt und zugenaeht - Bergisch Gladbach
Barbara Mueller
Schloßstrasse 58
Bergisch Gladbach, 51429
Gaby Kreusch
Kavarinerstraße 17A
Kleve, 47533
Find "Akari Solo" in Italy
di Lana e d'altre storie - Alice di Tesser
Via Verrotti 130
Montesilvano PE, 65015
Find "Akari Solo" in Korea, Republic of
Brand Home (Getty Home / Brand Yarn)
Bucheon-si Gyeonggi-do, 14557
Find "Akari Solo" in Luxembourg
17 Rue du Fort Elisabeth
Luxembourg, 1463
Find "Akari Solo" in Netherlands
Ajoure breiboutique
Midstraat 130
Joure, NL-8501AV
Astrids WOL
Kleine Overstraat 79
Deventer, Overijssel 7411 JK
Bleater Co
Jacqueline van den Heiligenberg
Zegwaartseweg 162b
Zoetermeer PC, 2728
De Wolbeer - Lilian de Beer
Berkvelt 8
Udenhout, Noord Brabant 5071
Wolwinkel Zaans Geluk
Judith Seeman
Kleine Tocht 7 L
Zaandam, 1507 CB
Iris Steeghs
Utrecht DA, 3541
Find "Akari Solo" in Poland
Mari Yarn Mariola Rychel
Smolec, 55080
Find "Akari Solo" in Russia
Praimar Arena
Proezd Serebryakova, 14b
Moscow, 129343
Find "Akari Solo" in Spain
Las Tijeras Mágicas
Capitan Antonio Mena 150
Elche, Spain 03204
Find "Akari Solo" in Switzerland
Au De d´ Argent
Geneve, 1202
Kaufhaus zum Glück
Karin Hostettler
Metzgergasse 5
Aarau, 5000
Spycher Handwerk AG
Bäch 4
Huttwil, 4953
Vilfil GmbH
Eva Grimmer
Kreuzstr 8
Zuerich, 8008
Wolle Peter
Peter Blansjaar
Oberdorfstrasse 4
Herisau, 9100
Karin Wanner
Kreuzplatz 9
Thayngen, 8240
Zum Rote Faden
Marlis Candinas
Steinenring 41
Basel, 4051
Erika Lischer
Muehleplatz 2
Sursee, 6210
Silvia Heller
Kreuzweg 118 a
Unterlangenegg, 3614
Find "Akari Solo" in United Kingdom
Ewe Felty Thing
24 Castle Street
Conwy, Wales LL32 8AY
Laughing Hens
The Croft Stables
Station Lane
CHESTER, Cheshire CH3 7JN
Find "Akari Solo" in United States
Taming of the Ewe
541 Broad Street
Gadsden, AL 35901
The Big Wooly Dog
23229 5th Avenue
Florala, AL 36442
the yarn boutique of decatur
714 bank street ne
Birdhouse Yarns
2540 E 6th St
Tucson, AZ 85716
Fiber Creek
1046 willow creek Road
suite 123
Prescott, AZ 86301
Custom Tees- Sooieet Skeins
901 N College Avenue
A Good Source of Fiber
11310 Prospect Drive, Suite 10
Jackson, CA 95642
Babetta's Yarn and Gifts
4400 San Juan Ave
Suite 20
Fair Oaks, CA 95628-6746
By Maryse LLC DBA The Loft
Gualala, CA 95445
Eva's Needlework
1321 E Thousand Oaks Blvd
Suite 120
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
415 Main St
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-1749
Heidi's Yarn Haven
180 S School St
Ukiah, CA 95482
In Between Stitches
167 North Livermore Ave
Livermore, California 94550
Jennifer Knits Inc
108 Barrington Walk
Los Angeles, CA 90049
8729 Elk Grove Blvd
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Knitting Tree~The
1031 W. Manchester Blvd.
Inglewood, CA 90301
Maisie Blue Inc
66 Scott St
Suite A
Murphys, CA 95247
Peninsula Flock Knits LLC
1816 Magnolia Ave
Burlingame, CA 94010
Roxanne's A Wish and a Dream
919 Maple Ave
Carpinteria, CA 93013
The Little Knittery
1808 N. Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027
3512 East 12th Avenue
Denver, CO 80206
Lambspun LLC(CO)
1101 E Lincoln Ave
PO Box 320
Fort Collins, CO 80524
The Tangled Ball
5505 W 20th Ave suite 163
EDGEWATER, CO 802141299
In Sheep's Clothing
10 Water St
Torrington, CT 06790
Knit and Pearls
395 West Avon Road
Avon, CT 06001
Niantic, CT 06357
Village Wool LLC
882 Main Street Unit C
South Glastonbury, CT 06073
The Yarn Maven
62 West Commerce Street
Smyrna, DE 19977
Boutique 4 Quilters
2945 W New HAven Ave
Melbourne, FL 32904
Criativity Crafts
720 9th Avenue Southwest
Largo, Florida 33770
Downtown Books LLC
67 Commerce St
Apalachicola, FL 32320
Knit or Knot Yarns
1432 Cypress Drive
Suite 1
Jupiter, FL 33469
Knitting On The Lamb
1625 14th Ave
Vero Beach, FL 32960
She Sells Yarn and More LLC
600 S Yonge St 16A
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Isadora Popper
33 North Main Street
Clayton, GA 30525
One More Row Woodstock
6234 Holly Springs Pkwy
Suite D1
Woodstock, GA 30188
Stitchery of St Simons~The
3411 Frederica Rd
St Simons Island, GA 31522
Strings and Stitches Yarn Shoppe
449 Industrial Blvd
Suite 165
Ellijay, GA 30540
The Square Knot
7 Kerrys Ferry St
McDonough, Georgia 30253
The Yarn Winder
Winder, GA 30680
Trillium Vineyard
Bremen, GA 30110
The Yarn Shop
556 Blue Lakes Blvd N
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Three Loves LLC
411 Caldwell Blvd
Nampa, ID 83651
TLD Design Center & JAD Gallery
2619 Ridgeland Ave
Berwyn, IL 60402
TLD Design Center, Gallery & Studios
26 E Quincy St
Westmont, IL 60559
Top Notch Knots Pots
1260 Larry Power Rd
Bourbonnais, IL 60914
Wool & Company
107A West Main St.
St. Charles, IL 60174
Oma Knits Textile Co, LLC
Yarn Junction Co LLC
132 5th St
West Des Moines, IA 50265
Studio Knitting and Needlepoint
9555 Nall
Overland Park, KS 64112
Friends and Fibers Inc
106 E Main St
LaGrange, KY 40031
Louisville Fiber Supply
622 Baxter Ave
Unit 1
Louisville, KY 40204
The Woolery
859 E. Main Street
Ste. 1A
Frankfort, KY 40601
Bayou Yarn Shoppe, LLC
233 Doucet Rd
Suite A4
Lafayette, LA 70503
Biddeford Fibre LLC
20 Washington St
Biddeford, Maine 04005
Cashmere Goat
21 Mechanic St
Camden, ME 04843
Mother of Purl Yarn Shop
541 US Rte 1
Suite 11
Freeport, ME 04032
Shirley's Yarn's & Gifts
677 US HWY 1
Hancock, ME 04640
The Yarn Sellar
891 US Rte One
York, Maine 03909
Crazy For Ewe
22725 Washington St
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Knits and Pieces
626 Admiral Drive Suite J
Annapolis, MD 21401
Salty Yarns
807 N Atlantic Ave
Ocean City, MD 21842
So Original
900 Olney Sandy Spring Rd
Sandy Spring, MD 20832
Creative Warehouse
Riverhead Office Park
220 Reservoir St
Needham, MA 02494
Fiber Loft LLC
Rte 111-9 Massachusetts Ave
Harvard, MA 01451
Mind's Eye Yarns
22 White St
Cambridge, MA 02140
New Black Sheep Knitting
1500 Highland Ave
Needham, MA 02492
Plymouth Harbor Knits
170 Water St # 10
Plymouth, Massachusetts 02780
Sheep Shack~The
787 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
The Unruly Stitch
Weston , MA 02493
75 Service Center Rd
Northampton, MA 01060
A Piece of Ewe
506 Columbus Ave.
NEW 1.2016
Bay City, MI 48708
Chicks With Sticks
Portage, MI 49002
Henny's Yarn Shop
131 E Main St
Caledonia, MI 49316
Lost Art Yarn Shoppe
733 Woodmere Ave
Traverse City, MI 49686
Michigan Fine Yarn
37519 Ann Arbor Rd
Livonia, MI 48170
Yarn Garden LLC (MI)
131 S. Cochran Ave.
Charlotte, MI 48813
3 Kittens Needle Arts LLC
750 Main St
Suite 112
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
Amazing Threads LLC.
Maple Grove , MN 55369
Harriet and Alice
Edina, MN 55424
Angelika's Yarn Store LLC
Independence, MO 64050
New Hampshire
Hodgepodge Yarns & Fibers
59 Belknap Ave
Newport, NH 03773
Lamb's Ear Yarns
Three Waterford Place
Gilford, NH 03249
Smitten Yarn Co
59 Hanson Street
Rochester, NH 03867
The Elegant Ewe (NH)
75 S Main St
Unit 1
Concord, NH 03301
New Jersey
Knit One Stitch Too
16 N Main St
Pennington, NJ 08534
Rows of PurL
44 Main St
Chester, NJ 07930
The Spinnery Inc
33 Race St
Frenchtown, NJ 08825
Wool and Grace
102 Summit Ave
Summit, New Jersey 07901
90 High St
Mt Holly, NJ 08060
New Mexico
Miriam's Well
614 Paseo De Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Mooncat Fiber
120 B Bent Street
Taos, NM 87571
The Yarn Store at Nob Hill
120 Amherst Dr NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
New York
Knitting 321
321 E 75th St
New York, NY 10021
Knitty Gritty Yarns
715 Old Liverpool Rd
Salina, NY 13088
Oliver Originals
8188 Cazenovia Road Manlius NY 13104
Manlius, NY 13104
Yarn and Craft Box
24 Charles Colman Blvd
Pawling, NY 12564-1115
Yarns N More
2605 E Main St
Endwell, NY 13760
North Carolina
Blue Pelican Gallery
577 62 Highway 12
Hatteras, NC 27943
Chix with Stix NC
230 Morganton Blvd SW SteB
Lenoir, NC 28645
Coastal Purl LLC
106 A Capital Trace
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
Fearless Fibers LLC
3540 Clemmons Rd Ste 010
Clemmons, NC 27012
Friends and Fiberworks
19 Westridege Marketplace
Candler, NC 28806
Great Yarns
1208 Ridge Rd
Raleigh, NC 27607
Many Splendored Things
106 N Broad Street
Seagrove, NC 27341
Stash Charlotte
1600 E Woodlawn Road
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina 28209
Studio 256
Wadesboro, NC 28170-0976
Tangles Knitting on Main
200 W North Main St
Waxhaw, NC 28173
The Clucking Hen Yarnery
1096 Concord Pkwy N
Ste 10
Concord, NC 28027
Yummi Yarns
Burnsville, NC 28714
6200 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45213
ENID, OK 73703
Noble County Yarns
1319 Gateway Plaza
Midwest Coty, OK 73110
Yarnatopia, LLC
8407 S. Western Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73139
Close Knit (OR)
NE 2140 Alberta St
Portland, OR 97211
Knot Another Hat
11 3rd St
Suite 103
Hood River, OR 97031
Northwest Wools Inc
3524 SW Troy St
Portland, OR 97219
Wild Knits
Salem, OR 97317
Loop Yarn Inc (PA)
1914 South St
Philadelphia, PA 19146
The Yarn Basket
150 Falling Spring Road
Chambersburg, PA 17202
Wildchild Stitches
2729 Murray ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Rhode Island
Skein Yarn Shop
East Greenwich , RI O2818
South Carolina
Knit-N-Purl LLC SC
830 8th Avenue South
Unit B
Surfside Beach, SC 29575
Bliss Yarns
127 Franklin Rd
Suite 140
Brentwood, TN 37027
Delta Fibre Arts
Collierville, TN 38017
Knoxville, TN 37919
Mink Crafts
117 Village Square Lane
Mountain City, TN 37683
Stitching Supply
Memphis, TN 38104
Joyfully Stranded
Galveston, TX 77550-4614
Nimble Fingers
12456 Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77024
On The Lamb Yarn Shoppe
260 North Main St
Grapevine, TX 76051
RayJay's Fibers
Amarillo, TX 79108
The Tinsmith's Wife
405-7th Street
Comfort, TX 78013
315 E Center St
Provo, UT 84604
The Purly Bee
Plain City, UT 84404
Must Love Yarn
2438 Shelburne Road
Suite 2
Shelburne, VT 05482
Knit 1 Purl 2
20 W Boscawen St
Winchester, VA 22601
Knitters Magic
212 South Loudoun Street
Winchester, VA 22601
Knitting B
8801 3 Chopt Rd
Suite L
Richmond, VA 23229
Magpie Knits
111 W Main Street
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Red Fox Yarns, LLC
421 Church Street NE, Suite D
Vienna, VA 22180
Susans Yarn Stash
1838 Jefferson Highway
Fishersville, VA 22939
Yarn Barn of Andersonville
5077 Andersonville Rd
Dillwyn, VA 23936-2029
Acorn Street Shop
2818 NE 55th St
Seattle, WA 98105
All Points Yarn LLC
21921 Marine View Dr S
Des Moines, WA 98198
Fibers Etc
11922-A Street S
Tacoma, WA 98444
Great Yarns Inc (WA)
4023 Rucker Ave
Everett, WA 98201-4835
Little Knits
3200 Airport Way S
Building 8, Suite 110
Seattle, WA 98116
Mrs Knits Yarn Shop
1310 Bertha Ave NW
Bremerton, Washington 98312
So Much Yarn Inc
1525 1st Ave
Suite 4
Seattle, WA 98121
The Nifty Knitter
317 NW Gilman BLVD #1
Issaquah, WA 98027
Icon Fiber Arts
East River Square
590 Redbird Circle
De Pere, WI 54115
Kunert Kreations
9586 E County Rd Y
Gordon, WI 54838
Needles 'n Pins Yarn Shoppe
W9034 County Road A
Delavan, WI 53115
Sugar River Yarns LLC
Mount Horeb, WI 53572
The Fiber House
146 Coffeen Ave
Sheridan, WY 82801